Universe (The Book)



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Softcover | 8×10 in | 24 pages

In her debut artist’s book, Lisa Rawlinson draws on science and non-religious spirituality to create an open-ended snapshot of the current understandings of the Universe. As much intuitively derived as intellectually designed, the book synthesizes night sky photography, painting, graphic design, and poetry into a concise but intricate package. In her writing, Rawlinson plays with subtleties in grammar, spelling, and organization to allow seemingly simple word choices to carry multilayered meaning.

Universe invites the reader to wonder about the larger questions, to swoon at the stars, to reconnect with a sense of awe and deeper connection, and at times, to scratch their heads in question. In her introduction she writes, “It’s a 10-piece puzzle, only suggesting the final image and allowing plenty of space for interpretation and evolution. The unillustrated emptiness reflecting back a moment in time, altered by the observer.”

Universe: Inflation
Universe: Emergence
Universe: Relativity
Universe: Probability
Universe: Entanglement