Art as a vehicle for exploration.

Art-making for Lisa Rawlinson is a means of exploring and understanding the seen, the unseen, the known, the unknown. As a multisensory artist, she draws on experiences that can be detected with the five physical senses—as well as those beyond—and allows the process of creating to reveal new meaning and to alchemize energy. On one level the products of those artistic explorations are rooted deeply in the physical, natural world. Landscapes, scenes from nature, and current science and world events are the stage design for much of her work. But the narratives playing out have layers, and each willing person enters this world—either passively as a member of the audience, or as a character in their own play—based on highly individualized entry points. Each series is its own realm. Each work its own portal.

Visit her portfolio site to see more of he work.


Check out her YouTube videos that feature in-depth, casual conversations with other artists as well as insights into her practice.


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